For sale

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Spacious 5-bedroom house in Villers-Le-Bouillet

Starting at € 299 000
Rue de la Sablière 37, 4530 Villers-le-Bouillet
5 - 7 bdrm.
194 m² hab. sp.
1,050 m² ground sp.

Investment property with 7 units

€ 420 000
Rue Elisa Dumonceau 51, 4040 HERSTAL
7 - 15 bdrm.
390 m² hab. sp.
323 m² ground sp.
de ERA Open Huizen Dag
08/06 - 13:30h to 15:00h

Spacious 5-bedroom house in Villers-Le-Bouillet

Starting at € 349 000
Rue de la Sablière 37, 4530 Villers-le-Bouillet
5 - 7 bdrm.
194 m² hab. sp.
1,970 m² ground sp.

Appartement 2 ch - balcon - garage - cave

€ 179 000
Avenue Alexandre Duchesne 23, 4800 VERVIERS
2 bdrm.
97 m² hab. sp.
0 m² ground sp.

Tastefully renovated house + possibility of liberal prof.

Starting at € 430 000
Rue Raide Vallée 153, 4520 MOHA
3 bdrm.
303 m² hab. sp.
2,611 m² ground sp.

Building plot in Braives

Starting at € 95 000
Rue Cormuchamp 40, 4260 Braives
1,000 m² ground sp.

Building plot in Braives

Starting at € 120 000
Rue Cornuchamp 40, 4260 Braives
2,355 m² ground sp.

Modern 3 bedroom ground floor flat - PEB B

Starting at € 249 000
Rue des Saules 15 C, 4317 FAIMES
3 bdrm.
103 m² hab. sp.
140 m² ground sp.
de ERA Open Huizen Dag
08/06 - 11:00h to 12:30h

7 bedroom town house near Les Guillemins

Starting at € 398 000
Rue de l'Etat-Tiers 25, 4000 Liège
7 bdrm.
379 m² hab. sp.
175 m² ground sp.
de ERA Open Huizen Dag
08/06 - 15:30h to 17:00h

House to refresh near the centre of HUY

Starting at € 119 000
Thier au Pequet 3, 4500 Huy
2 bdrm.
90 m² hab. sp.
84 m² ground sp.
In option

Charming 3 bedroom house in PITET with PEB B !

Starting at € 239 000
Rue Vinâve 12, 4260 Braives
3 bdrm.
168 m² hab. sp.
1,950 m² ground sp.
In option
de ERA Open Huizen Dag
08/06 - 13:30h to 15:00h

House 4 Façades à Amay, Ideally Situated and Spacious !

Starting at € 249 000
Rue Sart-Wesmael 7, 4540 AMAY
3 bdrm.
150 m² hab. sp.
2,190 m² ground sp.